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Thanks to an isolated location in the hills, Szek has his own Hungarian ethnicity between Romanian villages retain. Nowadays still 96% of the population is Hungarian. 3,6% is Romanian and 0,5% is gipsy. 


Until today still many villagers of Szék wear traditional costumes, and horse and carriage is still a daily transportation for many of them.


Below we present some tourist tips in and around Szek.

There are a lot of churches in Szek to visit. The three largest churches are the Protestant, Catholic and Adventist churches. The Calvinists are around 75%, 20% are the Seventh-day Adventists and Roman Catholics. In addition, there are still some who are Pentecostal, true Christians, Greek Catholics and Jehovah's Witnesses.


In the hills around Szek the presence of salt is still evident. There are salt wells, baths, and salt flowers  ( Sóvirág ).There are also two stone monuments on the hill to commemorate a mining disaster. The salt mines closed around 1814.



Szék is surrounded by huge fields full of flowers. Because of the presence of salt you can also admire the beautiful salt flowers ( sóvirág) in August. It is truly a pleasure to unwind here, far away from the busy life of the city and crowdy motor ways. 

One of the walks that we can recommend, is the walk to the castle of the Bannfy's in Bonchida just 10 km on the other site of the hill.









A visit to the folklore museum of Kallos Zoltán should not be missed. Kallós Zoltan collected about 8000 traditional objects. 2000 of them can be admired In his newly decorated museum in Ráscruci (Válászút) .


Every room in the museum represents a village or region. So there are 2 rooms with furniture, costumes and artifacts from the region Mezöség and a room that represents the Kalotaszeg region. And of course is not lacking the village of Szék here. 


The museum include also ceramics, wood and textiles from the Northern area of Transylvania, from Moldova, Csango community area in Bacău, from the Saxon and the Romanian area near Bistriţa-Năsăud.



The Bánffy Castle in Bonchida is one of the most significant castle ensembles in Transylvania. Formerly it was known as the Versailles of the East and was largely destroyed at the end of the II World War by the Germans. Since many decenia already a trust is restoring the buildings. When it is ready it will get a cultural function. 


In and around Szék


Walking in the fields
Discover Szék
The Banffy's castle

Originally Cluj-Napoca is a Hungarian city. In the center you can find lots of old buildings that refer to his Hungarian history. Nowadays Cluj-Napoca is a multi-cultural society. A day trip to this great city, just 45 km from Szek is definitely recommended. Watch the video.

The Turda's canyon is a protected natural reserve, situated at a distance of 6 km west of Turda, along Hasdate valley. It is just 65 km away from Szék.


The canyon has a total length of 1270 m and the walls are up to 250 mThis walk is especially for those who are not afraid to walk along steep slopes or in an adventurous way wants to cross over the river through suspension bridges or just a few trunks. Watch the video.

City trip Cluj Napoca

Discover Szék

The museum of Kallós Zoltán

The Banffy's castle

The canyon of Turda

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